The Idea
The Pinto Variety Hour is a half-hour animated comedy for adults featuring Pinto, a misunderstood bean who hosts a whimsical variety show. Each episode showcases surreal guests, like an inventor who has created a time-traveling beret.
The series explores Pinto’s life both at work and at home, where he navigates the challenges of connecting with his two teenagers, Lucy (16) and Max (14), alongside his wife, Flo. Set in the eccentric town of Hazelwood, the family frequently encounters its oddball residents, and some episodes shift focus to other characters.
Blending humor with relatable themes of human relationships, the show unfolds in a vibrant animated world inhabited by beans, rodents, and lizards. Pinto and his trusted assistant, Martha, must figure out how to deal with the show’s mysterious sponsor, Big Powerful Nobody (BPN), to keep The Pinto Variety Hour on the air... but the heart of the series is Pinto’s family dynamic.
In the pilot, Pinto resolves to take a more hands-on approach to make the show a success; he really doesn’t want to go back to working at Spensee’s in the mall.
An abridged version of The Pinto Variety Hour pilot is currently showing at the Hollywood Theatre at the Portland International Airport in the Fall 2024 program (September - December). The Pinto Variety hour is screening at film festivals internationally in Fall 2024.